GGPEN Reports Progress on the Commercialisation of ANGOSAT-2

Source: GGPEN

The General Manager of the Angolan National Space Programme Management Office (GGPEN), Dr Zolana Joao, announced during the ANGOSAT-2 project and services presentation that 33% of the C band on ANGOSAT-2 has been sold. 25 African Ambassadors from various African countries, including South Africa, Gabon, Kenya, Egypt, Rwanda, and Ivory Coast, attended the presentation.

Furthermore, Dr Zolana Joao appreciated the Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS), Engineer Mario Oliveira, for his support and vision in inviting all African countries to participate and benefit from ANGOSAT-2 services. In addition, the General Manager of GGPEN stated that Engineer Mario Oliveira’s support is per the African Space Strategy to coordinate space activities across member states and regions to minimise duplication while maintaining sufficient critical mass.

In 2022, Angola launched its second communications satellite, ANGOSAT-2, aboard the Proton-M Blok DM-03 rocket at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. According to Dr Zolana João, the ANGOSAT-2 will be seven times faster than its predecessor, Angosat-1, with a broad communication beam, regardless of location. With this, Angola can minimise the digital divide problem, advance equal access to all Angolans to the benefits offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and provide several services across the continent.

Source: GGPEN

In 2023, João Lourenço, the President of Angola, issued the Presidential decree, nº11/23, authorising the commercialisation of ANGOSAT-2 after the completion of the telecommunications satellite’s testing phase. In addition, the President entrusted the overseeing and monitoring processes to Engineer Mario Oliveira, Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS). 

Furthermore, the decree legalises the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication as a sub-delegate to supervise the necessary processes vital to the satellite’s management and commercialisation, subject to the legislation and regulations mandated by the Ministry.