DSI Announces a Six-year Funding Guarantee to Advance the Endeavours of AfAS

At the ongoing fourth annual conference of the Africa Astronomical Society at Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco, the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) has announced a six-year funding guarantee to sustain the essential endeavours of the Africa Astronomical Society (AfAS) in propelling astronomical research and education throughout the continent. The contract will be signed on a three-year cycle and automatically renewed.

Looking ahead, the Africa Astronomical Society is positioned to build on its achievements and expand its impact even further. With the assurance of continued funding from the DSI and South Africa, the society is well-positioned to continue its mission of advancing astronomy and space science in Africa, contributing to the continent’s scientific excellence and global leadership in the field. The commitment from the South African Department of Science and Innovation underscores the importance of collaboration and investment in scientific research and education across the continent.